profiles with mickey burns

Long time TV Talk Show Host Mickey Burns of “Profiles with Mickey Burns” was the supreme Red Carpet Master of Ceremonies at SohoJohnny Presents the 9/11 Let Me a Help, Inc. Fashion and Music Celebrity Benefit Gala Concert in Manhattan, A celebration of NY Fashion Week as well as a 20th anniversary tribute to the
TV host Mickey Burns follows up his autobiography “From The Projects To Profiles: A Memoir” by releasing the incredible new coffee table book “Inside Celebrity Profiles: A Visual Journey”, both released by New Haven Publishing. The Award-Winning television series “Profiles with Mickey Burns”, filmed in Times Square in the heart of New York City –
Author/Publicist/Seminal Thinker Howard Bloom will be a featured guest on “Profiles With Mickey Burns,” the prominent and extremely popular celebrity interviewer who has had conversations with the coolest celebrities on the planet, including: Joan Rivers, Jonathan Schaech, Joan Collins, Smokey Robinson, Dick Cavett, Fred Schneider, Tim Conway, Ed Asner and hundreds more. The show will