Exclusive Interview With Madeline Kate
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Exclusive Interview With Madeline Kate

Hello, music lovers! Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with the incredibly talented Madeleine, who is set to release her new album “Wildflower” on May 31st. Welcome, Madeleine!

Can you tell us about your musical journey? When did you first realize you wanted to be a singer-songwriter?

I first realized I wanted to be a singer-songwriter around the age of ten because of three iconic women: Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, and Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana. I loved learning all of their songs and changing lyrics to fit my own life. A couple years later, I started writing a lot of poetry in song form and creating melodies for them. I also started playing flute in band class and learning guitar at home. Looking back, I really don’t remember a moment where music wasn’t my greatest love. I continued writing poetry and playing my instruments but only as a secret hobby. Once I started as a freshman at Belmont University in 2015, I began to take it more seriously and I started writing fully-formed songs. I learned music theory growing up in band, and I don’t know how I would do this without that! I had two guitar lessons in the fifth grade, and the only teacher in our town stopped providing them. I taught myself how to sing, how to play guitar, how to write songs, and how to record songs. I guess I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from doing what I love!

Who are some of your biggest musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound?

My biggest influences are Dolly Parton, Taylor Swift, and Kacey Musgraves. They all are great lyricists that tell their TRUTH, and this is so inspiring to me. They present very calm and sweet, but they all can show their sassiness! I resonate with that a lot in life and songwriting. I think the stories and melodies of my songs fit in very well with the country, pop, and folk lines they all dance around, too.

What has been the most rewarding moment of your career so far?

There have been SO MANY that have blown me away as a woman from a really small town. I think the best ones both have to do with this album, so it’s really special to me. One of my most rewarding moments was playing at the Bluebird Cafe and getting some of the loudest cheers of the night. I had multiple audience members come up to me to tell me that my music would be huge one day. I was obsessed with country music growing up, so it was a crazy experience. It still doesn’t feel like it really happened to me. I talk about that story in the song “Dreams Like These” on this album. Another crazy experience was getting two singles from this album on Spotify Editorial Playlists. That is extremely rare, and to have Spotify themselves promote my music helped to quiet my inner critic.

How do you handle creative blocks or moments of self-doubt when writing new music?

I think we all deal with this in different ways. If I have a block, I try to take a little break and go live more life to write about. If I am experiencing self-doubt, I write songs about it. I think that’s the only way I can truly process it, and self-doubt is very relatable, so it can make for a good song!

What is your favorite part about performing live, and why?

I love when I’m performing and I see people stop in their tracks to watch me. It’s very intimate and almost like they weren’t paying attention until I say a line that resonates with them. I usually try to make eye contact with them, and I love making that connection through music. It’s like “I don’t know you, but we might have been through the same thing.” It makes me feel less alone in the world and more seen in general.

How do you balance your personal life with the demands of your music career?

I try to balance it! I don’t think being an indie artist with a 9-5 is something everyone can do. I am very resilient and more determined than most. I get tired and sometimes have to step away for a couple weeks. I used to feel guilty about it, but I had to realize that I am a human and not a machine.

Can you share a memorable fan interaction that has stuck with you?

I love this question! I worked at Puckett’s in Downtown Nashville for a summer years ago. It’s a popular restaurant with live original music every night. One night when I was working, the act didn’t show up. I told my manager that I could play a set, and they let me! I grabbed a guitar off the wall and totally performed on my feet, but the crowd LOVED it. I made hundreds of dollars in tips even though I only played for an hour and I got a standing ovation. I didn’t see the standing ovation happen any other night, but the coolest thing happened after I got off stage. I met a mother in the bathroom and she told me that I was great. She also told me that her daughter now wanted to move to Nashville and pursue music because of me. Honestly, I cried! I can’t think of a bigger compliment!

What advice would you give to aspiring singer-songwriters looking to break into the industry?

Keep pushing! There will be years that it seems like there is no progress or movement happening, but you have to stick with it. It’s not an easy road, but it is a very exciting one. Also, do not play the comparison game, especially with major artists. They have years in the game, money, and major labels backing them. Also, read contracts carefully and never give up your songwriting credits!

Aside from music, what are some of your other passions or hobbies?

I am passionate about a lot, but I love rescuing dogs, kayaking, and listening to podcasts. I also love going on weekend getaways with my husband.

If you could collaborate with any artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I would love to collaborate with Taylor Swift. She’s very intelligent with her genre jumping, marketing, and word play. I would just love to work with her directly and see her process, especially so far into her career! I think she would offer a multitude of great career advice.

Thank you so much for sharing your journey and insights with us, Madeleine. It’s been a pleasure learning more about you. Don’t forget to check out Madeleine’s new album “Wildflower” dropping on May 31st. Until next time, keep listening and stay inspired!

Social Links:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5T2nyzURQERKXMoXZVp0QO?si=RFdidDknRH2fLIzW3DWitQ

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/musicalmadkate

End of Interview

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