In March, musical artist Ciara stunned on the red carpet for the Vanity Fair Oscars afterparty in a sheer backless black Dundas gown covered in tiny crystals, which revealed her incredible figure underneath. The sheer look was actually quite popular at the event, but Ciara was targeted specifically by online haters who criticized the musician for her revealing outfit.
In a new interview with LVR magazine, Ciara commented on the backlash while hyping up the designer, who she’s a big fan of, wearing their designs to both the 2019 and 2021 Met Gala.
“I was fitted for the dress in Paris as I attended the Dundas show,” she said. “Peter has been a close friend since we attended the Met Gala in 2021. He knows me well, and he gets and knows the woman’s body.”
She went on, “I love the concept with the black crystal versus white crystals; I loved the black sheer and combination of it all and seeing it on the runway. It’s a process of getting ready for the red carpet. I pay attention to every detail. I have an appreciation for the art of fashion and the vision of the artist who created the garment.”
After the wild online response, Ciara made a joking TikTok in which she is shrouded in a white sheet and pretending to walk the red carpet while in her living room, with the words “POV: How I’m pulling up to Vanity Fair next year” written over the scene.
She captioned the funny clip, “Selective outrage.”
She was correct about the “selective” backlash. At the same event, Alessandra Ambrosio wore another sheer Dundas gown.
And Daisy Edgar-Jones wore a sheer Gucci gown.
And Emily Ratajkowski wore a sheer white gown by Feben.
But Ciara really did make the look all her own.
Aimée Lutkin is the weekend editor at Her writing has appeared in Jezebel, Glamour, Marie Claire and more. Her first book, The Lonely Hunter, will be released by Dial Press in February 2022.