Both Walken and Seymour show their respective charms quite well in The War with Grandpa, as accomplices to Robert De Niro’s Ed in his family friendly fight against his grandson Peter (Oakes Feigley). Much as she’s described what makes a Christopher Walken role so fun to watch, that’s exactly the same sort of energy that makes a Jane Seymour performance enjoyable too. Mixing her own mindful personality with a firecracker attitude — and a very dry wit — Seymour is a vital link in the chain that strengthens The War with Grandpa’s comedy machine. With that in mind, it should not only be required that Jane Seymour and Christopher Walken be brought back for Wedding Crashers 2, it does seem to be one of the ingredients that would make the entire enterprise worth it in the end.
Two More Wedding Crashers Stars Want In On Wedding Crashers 2
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