As you’ve probably heard by now, one of the main reasons COVID-19 was able to gain a foothold in the United States was because Donald Trump’s approach to the virus was to shamelessly lie about it as it spread throughout the country. After it was here, countless people lost their lives because the president, among other things, let Jared Kushner play a key role in the government’s response to the crisis, which included reportedly cutting doctors and scientists out of the process and effectively declaring mission accomplished in April, before an additional 260,000 people (and counting) would go on to die. (Also unhelpful: the president’s numerous rallies jamming thousands of mostly mask-less people in close proximity, as well as all of his other super-spreader events.) All of which is to say, no one named Kushner or Trump should be allowed to have any say whatsoever when it comes to the U.S.’s COVID-19 measures, a memo that first daughter Ivanka Trump apparently did not get:
Yes, that’s noted epidemiologist Ivanka Trump decrying lockdowns as the country hurtles toward an estimated 450,000 deaths by February 1, a figure that can largely be blamed on her idiot husband and father. While shutdowns have undoubtedly had a catastrophic effect on many businesses, the country wouldn‘t be in the position it’s in now if the Trump administration had taken any of the necessary steps to adequately address the problem—both from a public health and an economic standpoint—or literally done anything to stop the spread of the virus. (As White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told CNN in October, “We’re not going to control the pandemic.”) Incidentally, Ivanka broke federal stay-at-home guidelines in April, because her 8,200-square-foot home had apparently gotten too cramped.
“None of this would even be happening if you had listened to the scientists from the start,“ NYU media research scientist and instructor Justin Hendrix tweeted at the first daughter, “But you didn’t and now…hundreds of thousands are dead and things are happening in local communities that seem chaotic. Don’t blame them for the chain of events you started.” “It will never stop amazing us that in the midst of the worst pandemic in a century, rather than turning to doctors and scientists, the closest advisors to the president were his fashion-brand owning daughter and her slumlord husband,” replied government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “This is why we need tighter nepotism laws.” (In reality, Ivanka is a former fashion-brand owner, having shuttered her clothing line in 2018 to focus on her job at the White House doing…well, it’s not actually clear what she does there.)
Not surprisingly, Ivanka, who is known for tweeting context-free bullshit that she thinks helps her image, did not mention that when it comes to the small-business owners she supposedly cares so deeply about, the Trump administration chose not to extend emergency lending programs that benefit those exact people. Or that Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, no doubt with her father’s blessing, is putting hundreds of billions of dollars designated for small- and medium-size businesses into an account where his successor cannot tap them without congressional approval. Or that Trump and Kushner businesses reportedly got millions in PPP loans, while only keeping a handful of employees on payroll. Must have been an honest oversight!
Melania Trump is also so over these attempts not to kill thousands more Americans daily
It’s a family affair, really. Per CNN: