A Goofy Movie was a theatrical follow-up to the animated series Goof Troop, which was itself one-of-a-kind as it portrayed Goofy as a father. Taking place a few years after the end of the series, in the film, Goofy’s son Max is now a teenager, and the two go on a fishing trip together. Goofy wants to bond with his son, but Max only wants to live his own life. It’s a surprisingly mature conflict for a character whose primary focus for decades had been slapstick comedy. I recently had a chance to speak with Bill Farmer, the voice of Goofy, ahead of the debut of his Disney+ series, It’s a Dog’s Life, and he thinks that the relationship between Goofy and Max is something a lot of people could relate to 25 years ago, and still can today. According to Farmer…